Time to go to London again. Same routine every time. Clean the house, wash up the linens, water the plants, prepare the house for our departure and
The passport, the ticket and a half of a sleeping pill for the 9 hour overnight flight.
Suitcase is a little fuller this time--taking some summer clothes, clothes for Wimbledon (what do they wear??) and paper towels this trip. Yes, I like the US ones better and it's good padding.
Carry-on has all the electronics, most importantly my Mac laptop. How did I ever get by with a PC tied to each house? Keys for London and snacks one can only get here in the US.
But what do you think I wish I could pack and take with me?
You're right, baby Jordan, asleep in my arms today at the restaurant. Now that would be a perfect trip! Next post from London....
I know you would want her when you get to London, but are you sure you want an almost 2 year old on that long plane flight? Have a great trip and we'll see you soon.