Monday, January 23, 2012

Sunday Stroll

Typically, a Sunday in January could be drizzly, frigid, grey and unpredictable, but not this week. London has been experiencing a fairly mild winter, and this past Sunday was lovely. I headed out early in the morning, and took time to notice a few things along the way.

The cherry trees have been tricked into blossoming early,

and the tulips at the flower stall were exceptionally vibrant.

My day was off to a great start with an uplifting worship time,

and just steps away from church, the doors of Harrod's pulled me in for the final day of their annual January "There is Only One" sale. In and right back out--what crowds!

Then a subliminal message lured me in for lunch:

my favorite tuna and cheese melt from EAT, and a good book.

Almost next door, I found the newly opened National Geographic store, and I was reminded of my sweet daddy who spent so many years of his life collecting a complete set of National Geographics from its inception as his hobby. The store is a fascinating concept with books, magazines, travel guides, toys and speakers coming in for special events.

It even features a cute café which I'll have to try out soon. Really unique--maybe I'll go back and spotlight it here someday.

Heading back towards home, I found this lilac colored car parked in front of a matching lilac colored mews house. Sweet!

Cocomaya was sure drawing me in with its pastries, but I stayed on the "safe" side of the glass window.

Getting closer to home now,  I had to peek in the new shop on Kings Road-the one I was most excited about.

Amorino, one of my favorite Italian gelato shops that I first discovered in Paris, has opened

with its tantalizing assortment of Italian gelato

and Italian chocolates. I will be indulging soon--it's so, so close to our house. Dangerously close!

And after a long Sunday stroll, I ended up back home where I watched the Livestream of our Southeast church services back in Houston. Felt just like I was there!

"Sunday is the golden clasp that binds together the volume of the week."
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

So how did you spend your Sunday?


  1. Love the pictures!

  2. My mouth is watering with the yummy delights pictured here! That cafe looks fabulous, please do feature it sometime! I had a nice relaxing Sunday hanging out a home with my daughter and taking a stroll around the neighborhood! Your walk looked just about perfect! xxoo :)

  3. Debi, I feel just like I have spent the afternoon in London! What a wonderful time you must have there. Great pictures! And how cool that you can stream your home church. WE can't stream anything because we have a satellite dish, and a restricted band-width, but oh, I would love to be able to stream Tim Keller's church from NYC.
    Spent our Sunday in church til noon, then lazing around looking at books and mags, with our usual country walk, then Chili in front of the fire. Then Downton Abbey, of course!!! Thanks for the FB! I will write you soon there, although I think you have answered my question already!!
    Thanks for your sweet visit!

  4. Now this looks like just about as perfect a day as anyone could have! Lovely to have such weather there in January! And I'm with you on Amorino – there was one just steps from our hotel in Paris last summer. Like you said, TOO close! Thank you for the wonderful tour, Debi. I loved it. – g

  5. It looks more like spring on your pictures!

  6. What a gorgeous day! I want a Sunday walk like that one. Love the photographs!

  7. Haha, Harrods - in and straight back out, same as me! ;-) It's always fun to see your photos - London from a different perspective. Hope you're well and you're having a good week xo

  8. The gelato shop looks heavenly. Since I'm sure you need a reason to go there, please eat a coconut or cantaloupe gelato for me. I was actually in Houston last weekend, so I spent Sunday worshipping at SE, hugging lots of necks including your mom, sister and son (and missing you), eating at Pappasittos with family, shopping a little with mom, and going to our old Life Group. Good time.

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